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Adoption Application

As a responsible Pug Breeder, we carefully screen all potential owners to make sure they understand exactly what is required when it comes to taking care of these animals. Our reservation process starts with an application, a zoom interview, and then a review of the application and interview before approval. Once approved you will be required to place a deposit to be placed on the reservation list. We know that this can seem like a lengthy process but we want to find good homes for our puppies. To start the process of getting one of our puppies please fill out the form below. Please make sure that you fill out this form in its entirety. Any applications that are not  Completely filled out will not be considered.

Currently as of February 1, 2022 we have a wait list for all future litters please contact us to find out more information.

Adoption Application

Please fill out the form in its entirety, if no answer then put "none" or "n/a". Incomplete forms can not be submitted.

Annual Income
How many adults in the household?
Children in the household
Type of dwelling
Rent or Own
Color of pug desired
Male or Female
Are you willing to accept the full financial responsibility of all vetrinarian costs, grooming costs once you have adopted a pug?
Are you willing to express anal gland or pay to have them expressed if needed?
Will you trim your pugs nails or pay to have them trimmed?
What amount of time and effort per week do you plan to devote to training your new puppy?
Are you aware that pugs were bred for companionship and want to be with you All the time? They are called your shadow for a reason.
Did you know that pugs can live upwards of 13 years when properly cared for? Are you prepared for that?

Thanks for submitting! We will be in touch shortly.

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